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Fancy border on images

Enable or disable awesome fancy border for image with Clean Cutta – the best-in-class WordPress theme on the market today. You can enable or disable fancy border globally for all images on your website or you can disable fancy border for choosen image. There is also great looking customizable (thin or thick) frame or image shape (square, rounded, round) possible to apply.



Fancy border

[img src=”http://cleancutta.com/placeholders/team-7.jpg” alt=”Image” width=”768″ height=”767″]

Fancy border disabled

[img src=”http://cleancutta.com/placeholders/team-7.jpg” alt=”Image” fancy_border=”no” width=”768″ height=”767″]


Rounded shape

[img src=”http://cleancutta.com/placeholders/team-7.jpg” alt=”Image” shape=”rounded” width=”768″ height=”767″]

Round shape

[img src=”http://cleancutta.com/placeholders/team-7.jpg” alt=”Image” shape=”round” width=”768″ height=”767″]


Frame thin

[img src=”http://cleancutta.com/placeholders/team-7.jpg” alt=”Image” shape=”” width=”768″ height=”767″ frame=”thin”]

Frame thick

[img src=”http://cleancutta.com/placeholders/team-7.jpg” alt=”Image” shape=”” width=”768″ height=”767″ frame=”thick”]

Code example

[img src="https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/team-7.jpg" alt="Image description"  
width="768" height="767" fancy_border="yes" shape="round" frame="thick"]