
Case Law Update: Common Law or Common Sense?

As we move into 2025, we’ve highlighted below some recent and important legal decisions in employment law comparing and contrasting Alberta and Ontario decisions. ALBERTA: In the case of Singh v. Clark Builders, 2025 ABKB 3 (CanLII), an Alberta court was dealing with a wrongful dismissal allegation from Mr. Singh who was employed by Clark...

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New Year Checklist: Starting the Year Off Right

Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a lovely holiday season. As we usher in the new year and return to post holiday to-do lists, this is a great opportunity to review your current Human Resources practices, policies and documents. Here are a few areas we recommend you focus on: Statutory Holidays: While...

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The Risks of Terminating Seasonal Employees: Lessons for Employers

With the colder weather soon to arrive, many employers are preparing to hire seasonal workers for the winter. A recent decision regarding a seasonal worker serves as a reminder to employers that having the appropriate HR infrastructure in place can save employers from costly mistakes when hiring seasonal workers. In a recent decision, an employee...

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Current and coming soon employment law changes in Ontario!

ONTARIO ONLY: Having (playfully) mocked the Ontario government for its profound lack of creativity in naming the statutes by which it has been amending employment related legislation in past e-alerts; they have responded, deadpan, with the Working For Workers Five Act, 2024. Yes, folks, it has received Royal Assent. Here are some of the key...

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Employment Standards Updates

British Colombia Effective November 1, 2024, amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (OHSR) relating to the provision of occupational first aid take effect. These amendments better align BC with the Canadian Standards Association and include updates to requirements for first aid certifications and training levels, first aid kits, first aid assessments, transportation and...

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Childcare Obligations & the Duty to Accommodate

September means back to school and, for many families, adjusting to a new childcare routine. Let’s take a moment to re-visit and update our understanding of family status accommodation. To be brief, family status discrimination is the unfair, or less favourable, treatment of an employee due to their caregiving role. Canadian employers have a legal obligation...

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Accommodation 101: Employees with Disabilities

The legal obligation to accommodate employees with disabilities is a cornerstone of workplace inclusivity and equality. Rooted in human rights, accessibility, and employment standards legislation, the duty to accommodate is a mechanism to ensure that employees with disabilities are treated with dignity in the workplace. Understanding the Duty to Accommodate The duty to accommodate refers...

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